Legal Marketing

Marketing is much more than advertising and website development. A proper marketing strategy will also tackle large-scale and ongoing concerns such as client development, business strategy and the establishment or refining of a brand for your firm. Even staffing and recruitment matters can have a significant impact on the business direction of your firm. Web Genius Ca Legal Marketing will consult with you on all of these issues, helping you to build an overall strategy that will set your firm on the desired course and ensure that you accomplish the goals that you set for your business.

We also offer ongoing consultation services; we will meet with you on a periodic basis to reassess the marketing plan in order to reflect changes to the firm, such as an expansion into a new field of law. It is also important to regularly monitor the overall plan to ensure that your brand stays strong in the market and that you continue to receive the best return on your investment.
We know what legal practices have always known: that one of the oldest and most reliable methods of marketing — the cultivation of relationships — is still one of the most effective. Understanding this, we will work to develop and reinforce these relationships to grow your referral network. We will help you use referrals to your advantage to ensure you are maximizing industry and community relationships. We will also help you build new referral relationships to heighten your brand not just amongst prospective clients, but amongst your peers as well.


FACELAW is an online legal directory of Lawyers, Paralegals and Immigration Consultants in The USA and Canada